Saturday, December 31, 2005

Sleeping Alone

I'm not good when it comes to dating and I'm not good at letting someone know that I'm interested in them or that I'm not interested and I often take too much time and thinking over how I could avoid hurting someone in the emotional type and sometimes I don't care and sometimes I don't want to go to sleep even though I'm tired and sometimes I can't go to sleep even when I'm tired and sometimes I go on for no apparant reason but to get the point across to myself that I am hopelessly befriending and unfriending and I'm cold and I want a blanket to make the cold go away and I want to go outside and I don't want to go to sleep alone but I am okay with sleeping alone but it'd still be nice if I weren't and I want to sleep but I can't sleep but I can sit and think it all over.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love you miss sarah green

4:16 PM  

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